
Trackfront is an all-in-one quoting, estimating, proposal tracking, project collaboration, client communication, time & expense tracking and budget management solution. Create accurate quotes, deliver customized proposals that make better first impressions and start winning more jobs. Then after the client approves the project, manage all aspects of the project journey with your clients by having all communication, stages, milestones, deadlines, file sharing and commenting in one place. Track time & expenses to stay on budget and ensure profitability.

Quotes, Estimates & Proposals

Create & send quotes, estimates & custom proposals in minutes
Automate cost estimates with predefined groups & templates
Customizable proposal templates for lightning fast quoting
Drag & drop proposal builder
Manage & organize unlimited proposal files & attachments easily
Complex pricing scenarios made easy
Full control over visibility of cost breakdown
Sales tax management & integration
Set discounts, adjustments & markups at any cost level
Recurring & subscription pricing scenarios
Optional choices let customers decide what they want to approve
Add, edit & manage contracts, terms & conditions easily
Digital e-signature approvals
Set which team members require estimate review before sending
Manage & organize cost items easily, bulk import available
Create multiple estimate versions to give customers options
Create scope adjustment estimates for project scope changes
View the status of every estimate
Customize your dashboard views to segment your estimates
Know when a customer has viewed your estimate or proposal
Know when a customer approves or asks for modifications
Know when to follow up and close the business
Robust reporting dashboard with live data, charts & graphs
View each estimate's status easily on the dashboard
View close rate statistics
View trend graphs over time to track proposal status changes
View sales opportunity chart to view your pipeline
View detailed activity history on every estimate
Set default payment terms by customer
Customize estimate numbering
Email notifications for you and your customer
One-click proposal viewing & approval for customers

Project Collaboration & Communications

Customizable project stages & milestones
Create project stage templates for similar project workflows
Project stage & milestone deadline management & tracking
Track the progress of each project stage visually
All project communication for all teams in one place
Create posts & replies with one or multiple file attachments
All posts & replies grouped by collapsible project stages
Create actionable posts when client approval is required
Automatically advance project stage on final approvals
Flag important posts to quickly find them on the project wall
File attachment viewer for files, images, pdf's, videos & more
Preview, annotate & comment directly on files & videos
Video preview allows for side-by-side multi-version viewing
Create shareable public links to any file attachment
Download one or all files from a post with a button click
Real-time project wall communciation, instant messaging
Set frequency of project email notification updates
Set estimates to auto-expire after a set time frame
Robust search functionality to find posts or files easily
Filter posts & replies by type, team member or time frame
Project status reporting dashboard with live data feeds
Know when projects are overdue, over budget & inactive
Customizable dashboard views to segment your projects
View live progress bars for easy budget tracking by project
View each project's status easily on the dashboard
Control email notification updates by individual project
Unlimited teams and free collaborators to invite to any project
Link approved estimates & budgets to a project with a click
Create a project from an approved estimate easily
Track time & expenses, actual vs estimated, by item & overall
Detailed time & expense view lets you see the entire picture
Every internal team member can track overall budget utilization
Internal team members can view approved estimate language
Scope adjustment estimates get automicallly linked to project
Spot & address budgeting issues before they become problems

Time, Expense & Budget Tracking

Time & expense entry made quick & simple
Time & expense entry accessible on every interface page
No-mouse click time entry, tab through for super fast entry
Type to complete selection fields for fast entry
Time & expense entry in less than 30 seconds
Quickly view recent entries to fix any mistakes
Flexible time entry options > 920a becomes 9:20 am
Built-in start/stop timer to track time automatically
Customizable views to see details by user, project or time frame
See time & expense totals by any time period
Admins can view and edit anyone's time & expenses
Users can manage their time & expense entries easily
Set minimum time entry increments and rounding
Export time & expense entry data to spreadsheet format
Quickly filter dashboard views by time period and user

Platform Features

Customizable branding with your company logo
User access control with robust permissions management
Customize interface language and nomenclature
Switch plans & manage storage plans easily
Manage your payment method & billing information
View payment invoices and status
Easily manage and add new paid users
Manage all of your contacts & organization easily
Hide or display main areas of Trackfront with permissions
Customize email notification language with dynamic fields
Customize proposal approval language with dynamic fields
Add custom payment terms
Manage cost item & file attachment categories
Cancel at any time