Video Production Collaboration & Client Communication Redefined

Manage Clients, Projects, Teams & Partners Smarter

  • Replace multiple tools like Dropbox, Frame, Wipster, Lookat, Email, Hightail & more with Trackfront
  • All-in-one communication, video reviews, asset sharing, feedback & approvals
  • Video comments & feedback show up in video preview and on the main project communication wall
  • Compare 2 video versions side by side
  • Manage production stages, milestones & progress
  • Ensure profitability by tracking actuals vs. estimated on each project

Put An End To The Juggling Act

If you're still using email, instant messaging and a number of different project management, file sharing & video review tools to manage clients, partners and production & post-production team members throughout each project stage, you're already experiencing the juggling act. Things end up all over the place and the overall experience for you and your clients isn't great.

  • Trackfront does everything in one place
  • It works, because clients don't need any onboarding or training to use it.
  • It's so simple clients adopt and start using it right away.

Compare 2 videos side by side. Easily toggle between to comment on either. All comments & replies get mirrored to the main project wall.

Why Clients Love Trackfront

  • They have access to everything related to the project from start to finish.
  • It's all transparent, and clients love transparency. Every message, reply, file, review, approval is there for all teams to view. 
  • They don't need to wait for you to tell them where things are at because Trackfront does that automatically.
  • Client satisfaction goes way up as their experience working with you is stress free, problem free and easier than ever.
  • It's so easy to use, they don't need any onboarding to jump right in and start using it, i.e. instant adaptation.

Why Video Production Pros Love Trackfront

  • No one is left out of the loop.
  • Everyone on your team has access to everything related to the project from start to finish.
  • You can finally stop searching through your emails for that one thing your client said a few weeks ago.
  • Hold clients accountable as well as your team. The project wall is a record of everything everyone said throughout the entire project.
  • One single platform manages clients, communications, file sharing, reviews, budgets, timelines and progress.
  • Quickly see real-time budget utilization which keeps everyone on your team profitable on each project.
  • Spot potential budget overages early, before it's too late to do something about it.
  • Post, share, review, comment and annotate on any file type: videos, images, multipage pdf's, word docs, presentations, etc.

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